The Pancreatic Cancer Collective is an initiative of Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer to improve pancreatic cancer patient outcomes. The Pancreatic Cancer Collective is accelerating research for pancreatic cancer patients who desperately need better treatments. Through the Collective, these two leading organizations in the cancer community, with input from thought leaders, are creating a dynamic and fluid network to engage and influence medical institutions, researchers and companies, aligned to achieve something bigger and more meaningful, in particular to:
- Inspire collaboration among people who haven’t worked together.
- Spread funding to new centers.
- Leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches.
- Improve and develop new diagnosis and treatments for pancreatic cancer.
- Utilize the breadth and expertise of existing teams and researchers supported by SU2C and Lustgarten Foundation to support new investigators coming into the field, building expertise and capacity for additional research.
Patient Stories
One of the Luckiest Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer Patients Ever
Earl’s daughter happens to be a surgical oncologist. When he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer she steered him to a doctor at Wake Forest doing a phase I clinical trial for a new drug called CPI-613. After hearing about all options, Earl quickly signed up to participate. He believes himself to be very LUCKY to be one of the last patients to get into this clinical trial.
The Pancreatic Cancer Collective is driven to innovate and accelerate pancreatic cancer research so that all patients become long term survivors.

Since 2012, Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer have built a robust and illustrious collaboration, jointly funding over 400 investigators across nearly 70 leading research centers in both the United States and the United Kingdom. These efforts include four of SU2C’s signature Dream Teams as well as five Research Teams, including two Convergence Teams bringing together computational experts with clinical oncologists. Cancer Interception, research supporting the earliest diagnosis of pancreatic cancer even before the cancer may have fully formed, is the focus of one of the Dream Teams and one of the Research Teams. All told, these collaborative teams have planned, started or completed 25 clinical trials. The Pancreatic Cancer Collective is building on this momentum and is pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished even further.